Saturday, October 26, 2019

I'm hoping to get back to the original reason I started this blog: to experiment with cooking and track my progress.

Tonight I had leftover sauerkraut & farmer's sausage awaiting consumption in the fridge and mushrooms that were overdue to be cooked. I looked online to find an idea for combining these and found Polish kapusta!

I did not take pictures but rest assured it was yummy.

Here's the link I used; I can't say I followed it exactly (I added some smoked paprika & Worcestershire sauce...):

Sauerkraut and Mushrooms (Kapusta Kiszona Z Grzybami)

Saturday, March 24, 2018


I've been crocheting this winter, having learned how a couple years ago, but not really finishing many projects. Well, I have done a couple hats and scarves now, and here are a few pics.

Monday, September 04, 2017

Zentangle tries

I am trying a new thing, inspired by an art tour and a discussion with an artist yesterday. I want to do a sketch a day and stretch myself.

First sketch:

sketched from an online photo

Monday, May 23, 2016

Spring is finally here!

We have transitioned from cold to warm and even hot, like summer. Mugginess is here too! Our poor unsheared ewelambs pant like crazy in the heat (thank the feckless shearer who decided not to come!).

Our favourite breakfast when it gets warm is oats with a good yogurt. Sort of like muesli, but without flaking the oats. We cook the groats (whole, hulled oat kernels) first and refrigerate them for the week. I love my rubber-bottomed, stainless steel, lidded bowl from Kirkland for this. 

I use a kitchen scale to measure our portions, then in winter we heat and add milk and sugar. When it is warm, yogurt is our choice. Hubster likes brown sugar with his yogurt, while I prefer fruit. 

We don't find oats boring at all. 
This is a healthy, stick to your ribs breakfast. 
You do have to cook them ahead; we cook them for 2 to 3 hours on low. 
But they require no watching once they're going,
 so it is hardly hard labour! 
And the rewards of a healthy brekkie are well worth that small effort.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sautéed cucumber

I tried sautéed cucumbers tonight. They were surprisingly good. I used some dried chervil as my herb. Even DH said he would have it again if not every week (he is not a cuke fan, except in pickles).